ZOOM Vestry Minutes
St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church July 9, 2020 OPENING The regular meeting of the Vestry of St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church, Enid, Oklahoma, was held on Thursday, July 9, 2020, commencing at 7:07 p.m. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Vestry met via ZOOM. MEMBERS PRESENT - The Rev. Dr. John F. Toles, Rector; Dora Baker, Sr. Warden; Mike O’Brien, Jr. Warden; Paul Allen, Frank Baker, Michele Evans, Mike Frickenschmidt, Mary Henneke, and Sharon Franklin, Vestry Clerk/Vestry Member. GUEST PRESENT - Linda Franklin, Bookkeeper PRESIDING OFFICER/QUORUM - The Rev. Dr. John F. Toles, Rector, presided, declared a quorum present and offered healing prayer for those in need. MINUTES - On MOTION of Mary, seconded by Mike O., the Minutes of June 10, 2020 and Minutes of the June 18, 2020 Addendum were approved as submitted. TREASURER’S REPORT - Fr. John reviewed the Treasurer’s Report as provided. On MOTION of Dora, seconded by Mike O., the Treasurer’s Report was ACCEPTED and APPROVED as presented, SR. WARDEN REPORT - No report JR. WARDEN REPORT - Mike O. noted he was continuing to work on the church security documents. RECTOR’S REPORT - Fr. advised that two air conditioners required service, one of which required a new motor. The large tree in the front of the church, nearest Randolph, was recently damaged by a pickup truck. He noted he would get a copy of the police report and Mike O., Jr. Warden, will look into the truck’s liability insurance. OLD BUSINESS Open July 5 - Fr. advised that Sunday’s in-person worship service was held at 10:00 a.m. with lower numbers, most likely due to the holiday weekend. All attendees wore masks and practiced social distancing. Fully Open? - Fr. Advised that the Bishop had not communicated any changes in the near future; therefore, we will continue with in-person Sunday worship, following the Bishop’s guidelines. NEW BUSINESS Realm Connect by ACS Technologies - Fr. John explained our current computer program via Constant Contact and what it offers the Church at a cost of $1,400 per year. He had spoken with Sarah at the Diocese, asking if she knew what other churches might be using. Sarah suggested Realm Connect, a church management software, which among other things offers database options/pledge tracking/secure access to an individual member’s pledge statements which can be reviewed at any time by the member/online giving/online church calendar and the sending of notifications. At the current offering of 25% off, the setup fee would be $96 with no monthly charge to the church until January, 2021, at which time the monthly fee would be $66 per month. Church members can communicate with the church, as well as other members, and group conversations can be held. Christ Church in Tulsa and Grace Church in Yukon are both currently utilizing the program. Fr. John recommended the program to the Vestry, noting that the software is downloaded with specific access for St. Matthew’s. He noted he wants a blitz campaign with a team of church “tech” members to get all members connected to the program, via computer or cell phones. On MOTION of Frank, seconded by Dora, the Vestry unanimously APPROVED subscribing to the Realm Connect software program, including the establishment of a tech team to assist in getting all members connected to the program. Fall Programming - Dora asked if a church program meeting had been considered prior to Fall. Fr. advised he would schedule the meeting during the week of August 17 and notify attendees of the date, stating that having a plan in place for the next year is important should things return to normal. Confraternity had successfully taken place via Zoom and Fr. said meetings and teachings could easily be made available via Zoom. Dora expressed an interest in a virtual VBS activity for the children, noting that she would speak with Kendall about it. ADJOURNMENT - The meeting adjourned at 7:47 p.m. with the praying of Our Father. Next Meeting - August 20, 2020, as Fr. John will be on vacation August 7-16. Respectfully submitted, Sharon A. Franklin Vestry Clerk/Vestry Member #1 ADDENDUM TO JULY 9, 2020 VESTRY MINUTES July 27, 2020 Fr. John emailed all Vestry members, proposing that we donate $1,650 from Community Tithe funds to Emerson’s student school lunch program $1,631.49 debt. This amount is three times last year’s debt, which he suspected was partially due to parents unable to work due to COVID-19. We currently have $2,400 Community Tithe funds available. There being no objections, the Vestry voted UNANIMOUSLY to approve a $1,650 donation from Community Tithe funds to Emerson’s student school lunch program debt. #2 ADDENDUM August 17, 2020 At the close of the August 17 Zoom Annual Planning Meeting, Fr. John asked those Vestry members in attendance to stay for discussion of an item of importance. Fr. John reviewed the results of the damage created when a pickup drove across the front property of the church and hit the large tree next to Randolph. Mike O’Brien, as Jr. Warden, had spoken with an arborist whose assessment was that the tree would require removal in the near future because of the damage that had occurred. The removal would cost $2,000 whether the driver’s insurance or the Church was required to pay. Mike O. advised he would look into the damage being the responsibility of the driver’s insurance. There being no objections, the Vestry APPROVED a $2,000 expenditure to remove the large damaged tree abutting Randolph on the Church’s property, should the driver’s insurance not be liable for the removal. #3 ADDENDUM August 27, 2020 In an August 27, 2020 email to Vestry members, Fr. John noted that not giving to individuals with our Community Tithe “is a bit of a rule”. Dora had given letters to Fr., asking he present them to Rotary Club for consideration. However, after reading the letters himself, he forwarded them to the Vestry, suggesting that St. Matthew’s make a $1,300 donation from the Community Tithe. The attached letter from the mother of a 10-year old boy who was diagnosed with Neuromuscular Dystrophy last year, is requesting financial assistance from various organizations to help cover the family’s out-of-pocket cost of $4,500 toward the purchase of a custom power wheelchair. She describes the effects that this disease has had on her son thus far, explaining the benefits that her son will experience with the power chair over the manual wheelchair he now has. Dora Baker, the child’s Physical Therapist, notes in her attached letter that the family has succeeded in raising $2,700 toward their $4,500 goal. She explains his challenges and the increase in his quality of life that a power wheelchair would afford the child. As Sr. Warden of the Vestry, Dora has recused herself from voting on this parent’s request, but is available for questions. There being no objections, the Vestry voted UNANIMOUSLY by email to APPROVE donating $1,300 from the Community Tithe to Stacia and Jerame Dunkin, parents, to assist in the purchase of a power wheelchair for their son.
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